Keep reading for some great Frozen birthday party ideas that won’t break the bank!
Everyone has at least one kid that’s obsessed with Frozen, right? For me, it’s my youngest. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but when she was 2 years old, she just fell in love with the movie, especially Elsa. She loves Elsa so much, that even though she knows all the words to every Frozen song, she refuses to sing any of Prince Hans’s parts, because he tried to kill Elsa.
What can I say? She won’t tolerate a “baddie” (her words), no matter how catchy his duet with Anna is.
Naturally, she’s dressed up as Elsa for the last two Halloweens. Thanks to the couple of Frozen shorts that Disney has made, I could at least convince her to wear a different Elsa dress. With Frozen 2 coming out later this month, I’m sure we’ll have next year’s Halloween costume already decided!
So when she decided she wanted to have a birthday party this year, it came as no surprise that she wanted a Frozen party.
Now, my daughter is a rather particular child. She knows right away if she likes something or doesn’t, and it’s like pulling teeth to try to convince her otherwise. So trust me when I say it was no easy feat to come up with party activities that she actually approved of. But after scouring the depths of the internet — and getting almost every idea vetoed — I eventually came up with a handful of unique ideas that she and all of her friends LOVED!
Which was quite the accomplishment, if I do say so myself, since we had boys and girls there from 2 years old to 7 years old, and they all were able to enjoy every activity!

Plus, I don’t believe in breaking the bank for a kid’s birthday party (I know, I know – how horrible of me!). So everything I planned was on the cheap. Like the whole party cost about $70 to host up to 16 kids and their parents. You could easily entertain more kids with these activities — you’d just need to be sure to get some more glow sticks for #4. That’s what I call a win.

If you’re stuck looking for fun and new ideas for a Frozen birthday party, I hope this post helps you find what you’re looking for!
1. Decorations
I kept the decorations simple for this party: just lots of paper snowflakes! You can use whatever paper you like, but I like using coffee filters. They’re already the right size and shape to start with, and it’s easy to cut smaller details out since they’re so thin.
Then I just hung them from the ceiling using sewing thread and tape. So simple!
If you aren’t confident in your snowflake making game, just google “paper snowflake templates” and you’ll find lots of free ones you can copy.
2. Snowball Toss with Elsa

This is basically a DIY cornhole type game with Elsa on the board, though you could make any character. And instead of little, square bean bags, you throw “snowballs.” Simple, but fun!
I actually found these craft pom-poms at a local thrift store, and that’s what inspired this whole thing. Though they aren’t too pricey to buy new if you don’t get as lucky as I did.
It worked out pretty great, because the kids had a blast using the “snowballs” for an impromptu snowball fight, too!
3. Make Your Own Troll Necklace

This was my biggest cost (and it was still pretty darn cheap considering how many necklaces we were able to make!), but it was a HUGE hit with the kids, and so easy to do! All you need is a box of chem light glow sticks that have holes at the top and some yarn or ribbon. Super simple!
For more detailed instructions, look here.
4. Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

I was actually surprised at how much all the kids, even the older ones, enjoyed this activity. Each guest received a big ball of white play-dough and a small ball each of black, orange, and brown play-dough. Then they simply made snowmen! I also had some sculpting tools out for them to use, and they REALLY liked that. Now that I think about it, using the tools may have been what kept the older kids just as interested as the younger ones.
I did just buy a tub of ready-made white playdough and dyed some of it with food coloring. You could easily make your own play dough, instead, though.
Afterward, I put each kid’s snowman in a sandwich bag and labeled them with a sharpie, so they could take them home later.
*I did go ahead and separate the play-dough into balls before the party so that it’d be easy to quickly pass out. I just kept the balls in the play-dough container until we were ready to use them.
5. Frozen Birthday Cake

Ok, so this one was actually my daughter’s idea. When I asked her what kind of cake she wanted, she immediately answered that we needed to have an ice cream cake because it’s frozen! Like it was the most obvious thing in the world and she couldn’t believe I actually had to ask. You’d think she was turning 14 instead of 4…. but I digress.
Now let me tell you, this cake was great! Soooo easy to make, and everyone loved it! It has ice cream and cake together, what’s not to love? I kept the decorations simple, too, and just put on some figurines from Frozen Fever that we already had (though you could also use actual Frozen cake toppers or cupcake toppers). I also made a birthday banner with bamboo skewers, string, cardstock, and paint. Easy peasy.
6. Dancy Party
Remember those troll necklaces? Well, it turns out that they are perfect for a dance party! After cake, we activated the glow sticks, turned down the lights, and turned up the music!
And in case you were wondering, there is a techno version of “Let It Go” (amazing, right?) that is the perfect kick-off to dancing.
I wasn’t sure how into dancing all of the different kids would be, but my daughter was insistent on including dancing. And she was right — every single kid loved it and just went to town dancing! I think the glowing troll necklaces really helped hype them up for it. That and just eating cake, haha.
7. Party Favors

So I’m not a big fan of handing out bags of little, plastic party favors. I just hate the thought of spending money on stuff that will just end up in the trash. But I do like to make sure that our guests always have something to take home. We already had the playdough snowmen and troll necklaces going home with the kids, so I didn’t feel much pressure to come up with an official favor.
But all of this thinking about Frozen and snow got me in the mood for hot chocolate. Then it hit me — little mugs of hot chocolate would be a perfect party favor! I lucked out and found a big set of small mugs at a local thrift store. I was originally planning on just getting a bunch of mismatched mugs, which I still think would’ve been cute.
Then I decided to “fancy them up,” as my kids would say, with strips of leftover fabric, though you could definitely use ribbon, and snowflake rings. Ta da! Simple as that.
I hope these ideas help you! Let me know which activity you’re most excited about in the comments!

So many fun ideas! Thanks for sharing!