Sharing my tips, tricks, and tools to help you become an amazing maker.
Hi, I’m Megan! I’ve been creating and making just about everything under the sun since I was a kid. But for most of my life, whenever someone would compliment my food, or show how impressed they were with my art, or rave about an event I put together, I couldn’t understand it. I wasn’t doing anything special, I’d think; anyone could do this.
Then one day it finally dawned on me — yes, anyone could do these things – if they just knew how easy it could be! So I’m here to walk you through, step by step, how to DIY all sorts of crafts, make tasty – and easy – food, and how to put both together to make great memories with your family and friends.
But what if I’m not crafty? Don’t even worry! This is a great place for beginners. I’ll do my best to explain things in simple terms and you can always ask if you need help understanding how to make something work.
I’d love to try my hand at making, but I just can never seem to find the time. I hear you. Personally, my biggest barrier to living all my making dreams is my kids, haha. I love them to pieces — plus they’re pretty darn funny, not to mention cute — so it’s all good. But managing all of their learning (did I mention that we homeschool?), activities, and community classes on top of the usual laundry, food prep, and appointments… let’s just say, it takes up a lot of time.
But it’s also made me figure out how to make it all work! So I’ll also share some of my tried and true methods for family and household management, so you can embark on this making journey without losing your sanity.
So come along, and discover the maker inside you!

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